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How to Prevent Tooth Decay?


Tooth decay is a disorder that occurs when tooth enamel is damaged by acids. Food residues and bacteria form plaque on the tooth surface, and these plaques produce acid. These acids erode the enamel, causing tooth decay. If left untreated, tooth decay can deeply affect the tooth and lead to pain, sensitivity, and infections. The dentist removes cavities and restores the health and functionality of the tooth with fillings or other restorative treatments.

Tooth decay is prevented by regular and effective oral hygiene habits. The most important of these habits is brushing your teeth at least twice a day. Tooth brushing prevents the formation of cavities by cleaning plaque and food residues accumulated on tooth surfaces. It is also important to use the correct technique for brushing your teeth; It is important to choose the toothbrush and toothpaste, allocate enough time while brushing, and carefully clean the surface of each tooth. Using dental floss also removes debris and plaque accumulation between the teeth, thus preventing the formation of cavities. Additionally, adopting healthy eating habits also helps prevent tooth decay. Avoiding sugary and acidic foods protects tooth enamel and prevents bacteria from causing cavities. Routine dentist check-ups and regular teeth cleaning are also important to detect and prevent the formation of caries early.

Why Does Tooth Decay Occur?

There are several basic reasons for the formation of tooth decay. The most common reason is inadequate oral care. Not brushing and flossing regularly causes food residues and plaque to break off on the tooth surfaces. This occurs when the bacteria in the mouth enrich these residues by processing acids, and these acids begin to dissolve tooth enamel. Another factor is excessive consumption of sugary and acidic foods. Such foods stimulate the production of acid, which increases the presence of tooth enamel and the risk of decay. In addition, reasons such as increased saliva or the side effects of some may also facilitate tooth decay because saliva helps clean acid imbalances and food residues in the mouth. Finally, even when genetic factors and oral health are taken into consideration, some people may be at higher risk of developing tooth decay. Therefore, routine, regular dentist checks and healthy oral care are very important in preventing cavities.

Appropriate Treatment Methods for Decayed Teeth

In the early stages of tooth decay, its progression can be prevented with measures such as regular dental care and fluoride treatments. A healthy oral care routine should include daily brushing and flossing. Additionally, regular dentist visits allow for early detection and intervention of cavities. During this period, caries can be treated with minimally invasive methods, for example, fluoride applications or small fillings. Early diagnosis and treatment play an effective role in saving the tooth.

As tooth decay progresses, it affects more of the tooth structure, making treatment more difficult. In advanced caries, root canal treatment may be required. This treatment involves removing the dental pulp damaged by tooth decay and then cleaning, disinfecting, and filling the dental canal. Root canal treatment allows for pain relief and saves the tooth by removing the infected pulp. With this method, the tooth can largely preserve its functionality and further damage can be prevented. However, the success of the treatment depends on the degree of caries and the timing of the intervention.

In some cases, if tooth decay is very advanced or the structure of the tooth is seriously damaged, the tooth may need to be extracted and replaced with a dental implant. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that replace the lost tooth and offer both a functional and aesthetic solution along with a personalized treatment plan. Since implants are designed to integrate into the jawbone, they give the feeling of natural teeth and offer a long-term solution. Implant treatment is considered one of the most effective methods for replacing tooth loss, but it requires good oral health and regular care for a successful outcome.

Dr. Sevdiye Umer
Cyril and Methodius University, Columbia University, College of Dental Medicine
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